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Join our Racing Club today and become part of The Team!
NH Jockey / Work Rider
Stable Staff
Stable Staff
NH Jockey / Work Rider
Yard Person
Head Travelling / Amateur Jockey
Barn Manager and Office Assistant
Yard Man
Barn Manager
Work Rider
Stable Staff
Stable Staff / Trainee
NH Jockey / Work Rider
Yard Person
Finance Director
Barn Manager
Stable Staff
Barn Manager
Work Rider
Work Rider
Stable Staff
Helen Frampton is a fully qualified, chartered physiotherapist and veterinary physiotherapist. She is also governed by ACPAT (Association of chartered physiotherapists in animal therapy) and specialises in the treatment of horses.
Durham Equine Physiotherapy is an ambulatory service based near the city of Durham, covering the North East of England.
Fully qualified equine Chiropractor and Physiotherapist.
We are very lucky to be supported by some really talented riders under both codes. Although we don't have a retained rider we have a selection of jockeys who we can rely on and know the horses well.
Our support team is vital and we use world class professionals. Paul Lentelink is our vet (Baker McVeigh & Abbott) , Jamie Fox is our Farrier and Ben Woodhouse is our equine dentist.